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bbc.bmp (3114 octets) New and Cubsat

Advantages of CubSat

CubSat is undoutable the easiest to install and most discreet antenna for satellite reception. His original form allows its installation where you would have problems with a traditional parabolic antenna. With CubSat you avoid any problems with your neighbors or the owners of apartment buildings. The size and the estethic form of CubSat allows an almost invisible installation everywhere.

Easy installation without any tools
For many people, the most important problem of a satellite-antenna is the installation. CubSat needs no special skills or knowledge to be installed. In a few minutes after receiving your CubSat you are ready to watch your Television program from any satellite you want

Outstanding satellite reception
The features of CubSat gives you an excellent reception of digital channels from current satellites as well as certain analog channels from other satellites.

CubSat comes in different versions and can be used for up to 4 users. It is ideal for small apartment-buildings.

Unobtrusive installation
The small cube finds its place anywhere, neighbors, visitors and friends will not even notice that you have a satellite antenna.

The CubSat is impermeable, moister-sealed and keeps dust and dirt away from the technical equipment inside the box.

Corrosion resistant
The casing of CubSat is molded from ABS, the most resisting material against the continual aggression of weather-variations.
CubSat can even be 3/4 buried in the ground.

Buried into the ground or fixed on the roof, balcony or wall, CubSat resist to all weathers.

No risk of lightning
The isolating shell of CubSat prevents your technical equipment from damage caused by lightning.

Continues functions
CubSat guaranties perfect satellite reception, even when covert with up to 10 cm of snow.

Can be painted
To hide your CubSat and make it nearly invisible, you can paint the casing or cover to integrate it to his environment.

No Maintenance
For the good function of CubSat there is no special maintenance required. Some preventive recommendations you will find in the <directions for use>.

Your retaillers

commande (2).jpg (6639 octets) COLECTIF.jpg (6706 octets) FRANSAT.jpg (6468 octets) FREE-TV.jpg (6321 octets) USINE.jpg (6179 octets) CANAL (2).jpg (6260 octets) CANALSAT.jpg (6588 octets)

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