cublogo.gif (4175 octets) Tecnical
70cubsatvert1.jpg (17279 octets)

Place the cubsat on the balcony or on a south facing terrace
Plug the cable into the Cubsat
at the numeric terminal
Start the terminal before getting the
visuel menus on the screen
Adjust the Cubsat  orientating it from
the left starting from the south to a
maximum 20 degrees East 13 or 19
according to the selected satellite
to refer to the numeric terminal
menu point antenna once the
position has been selected either
Fix the Cubsat with an adhesif tape 4 point are sufficient
or bury 3/4 of box down ( approx 5 inch)
Maintenance every 6 months : clean
face with a sillicone based product

Technical caracteristics
Reception of numeric channels
from Direct TV
Sharp Univesal head
Noise abatement  C/N 07 dB
Frequency  bands  received
  Low tape(10.70-11.70 Ghz)
High tape(11.70-12.75 Ghz)
2 outputs 950 to 2150 Mhz
Supplying 14 and 18 v+ 22 Mhz
Increase 34.6 dB
angle  of elevation 30 to 38 °
Counter polar interior pre-adjusted
9 1/4 pds total weight
Abs injected: 3/4 mm ( box and hood
Internal reflector : Abs with hight grade aluminium casing

2 years warranty

On wooden terrace ready to be
painted 3/4 buried
in among firtrees semi-buried
inside a barn open to be south


is ok for  reception
Direc TV  in USA

Reception with cubsat satellite hot bird 13°

Réception with cubsat satellite 19 °

The numerical  reception chanels of tv and radio can be  made with the cubsat in all Europe with the numerical tv bunch of your choice (canal satellite, canal +numerique, Direct TV ) and Sky Chanel, or all others numerical bunchs

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pictures examples

Cubsa2t.jpg (22397 octets)